Friday, February 22, 2013

February 22, 2013 Ladies Day Out!

Yesterday was our monthly girls out to hike, snowshoe, whatever  And, what a day it was.  The sun was out and it was a balmy 15 degrees without a screaming wind.  After the past few days, that was saying something.  Yesterday, we were out on snowshoes.  The group was smaller than usual as a few were out of town right now....including one lucky gal in Hawaii right now.  Nice place to be when the weather has been so blustery.
Anyway, when asked, I suggested we try this river bed that goes up to a deadwaters area which used to be a heck of a nice place to snowshoe.  I have taken my dogs, previously, when the snow was not so deep and sugary.  Toby couldn't have managed this.
Speaking of Toby.....I was sneaking around getting ready yesterday.  No outside clothes on when I went into the basement to get the snowshoes.....very quiet about getting the camera out and packed....etc.  I thought he was napping contently in the basement.  I had given him some pats when I was down there.  Anyway, time to go.  I sneaked quietly out the door and walked down the driveway to catch my ride.  Off we went.  Well, he later found out he was home alone with my husband and that I had gone without him.  He was miffed and had to sit around and pout for a few hours. 
The above photo is where we first came out of the narrow river bottom into the more open area leading to the deadwaters.  This was the first beaver dam, now washed out.  It had been a heckova  pond at one time and it pretty steep coming up it as you can see.
Here is a photo I took up in the deadwaters.  We had just come across the second beaver pond.  It was decent sized but not as large as the first had been.  Just before the second beaver pond came into sight, on a narrow section of river again, I went through the ice.  I was, all of a sudden, with no warning whatsoever, standing knee deep in dang cold water....with snowshoes on.  Boy....what a thrill!  I hadn't exactly planned on that in my day.  Funny, had a group with me this time.....and in the water I go.  I hardly ever, ever....have anyone with me but my dog....the old hermit that I can be......and, I have never done that up there.  I did go through an old beaver pond east of my house about 5 years ago....with just my two dogs along.  I wasn't on snowshoes either.  I was just walking on ice, through the cat tails, on the edge of the beaver pond.  That was cold and wet too....just less so.
Anyway.....the ladies were worried about me freezing and thought we should go right home and get some dry duds.  No way.....we were far enough up and into this expedition.....I was going.  I told them if my feet started to freeze, I would let them know.  We didn't go as far as we probably would have because of this issue.  But....don't we need a little excitement in our lives?!
Here, we actually ran onto the ski trail made and maintained by one of the people who lives in this area now.  I had to say I wouldn't mind skiing on that some day. 
Anyway, we all have had a chance to see what this area now looks like and decided to go back...before my feet did decide to freeze. 
We got back to the vehicle....and guess what.  My boots are frozen in my snowshoes.  The newfangled snowshoes we were all wearing have plastic buckles on the harnesses.  They were big ice balls frozen solid.  I had to take my boots off to get in the vehicle.  Then, when we stopped at the little store for beverages and visiting, in I went in  my sock feet!  Wet sock feet....remember!  I left tracks of wet feet across the cold cement floor.  By the time we left, my feet actually were cold because it isn't all that warm in there.  Home again we go after a fine outing. 
Toby was very happy to see me and ready to go for his walk....which had to wait til I got out of my wet duds I had on.  My legs hadn't gotten cold because the pants had instantly frozen.  But, getting out of the cold, clammy socks did feel good. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Foxy Lady, my feet and legs are achy just reading about the partial dunking you took in that frigid water! Getting out after you broke through with the snowshoes must have been tricky.

    Looks like you and the gals had a beautiful day for your outing though. Yay sunshine!
